This week, we will discuss the advantages of hiring a lawn care company. Proper lawn maintenance can be a lot of work and trained professionals can help alleviate that work. Only you can decide if the cost of service outweighs the advantages provided by a company specializing in lawn care. Purdue University researchers have developed a guide for reasons to hire a lawn care company over performing maintenance yourself.
Client Care
In addition to regular treatments, your lawn needs maintained. This means regular mowing and proper irrigation. You should mow your lawn frequently at a height of 2.5″ to 3.5″. Make sure your blade is kept sharp. A sharp blade will slice the top of the leaf where a dull blade may only knick or break the leaf. When irrigating your lawn, if needed, you should run water while the lawn is still cool and out of the sun, such as early morning. It is best to soak the soil thoroughly, and not water again until the lawn has dried. You can work with your lawn care provider to get more detailed instructions. One thing you should never do is apply any additional fertilizers or pesticides in addition to what your providers spreads. That could cause irreversible damage to your lawn.
Your lawn is an investment. Regular maintenance ensures that the investment pays off. You will have a healthy beautiful lawn to enjoy in addition to the higher home value. Let Deater Brothers help you understand how to protect your investment. Call today!